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How To Choose A Self Cleaning Filter?

Many customers may be curious about how to choose a highly effective self-cleaning filter, which is suitable? We can follow these three aspects:


1, Combined with the requirements of equipment components.

Due to the wide range of industries that require filtration, we not only need to consider the material conditions, but also need to take the corrosion of the filtered material into consideration.

Take the paper industry as an example, its filtration material usually has strong corrosiveness. Therefore, customers in this industry usually choose stainless steel components for filtration. For less corrosive filtrates, we can also use other materials according to the choice of equipment components.

2, Combined with the required treatment capacity.

Different models of self-cleaning filters have different pipe diameters, and the amount of filtered water they can meet is affected by a variety of factors, including the range of filtering flow rate, equipment diameter and on-site piping conditions.

In order to avoid losses, we should choose the corresponding caliber of filtering equipment according to the amount of water to be filtered. Generally speaking, the amount of water to be filtered is directly proportional to the size of the equipment, the larger the amount of filtered water, the larger the caliber of the required equipment.

3, Combined with the actual production of filtration.

It is understood that in actual application, the filtration accuracy that can be achieved by various models of self-cleaning filters is also different, which is an aspect that we need to pay special attention to when selecting filtration equipment. Therefore, when selecting filtration equipment, we must first understand the filtration precision required in the production process. For example, brush-type self-cleaning filters are suitable for filtration fields where the filtration precision is within the range of 50-5000 microns.

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