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What is Muti Media Filter?

JX Filtration Carbon Filter

A Multimedia Filter (also known as a Multimedia Sand Filter) is a type of water filtration system that uses multiple layers of media to remove suspended solids, turbidity, and particulate matter from water. This type of filter is widely used in water treatment processes for industrial, commercial, and residential applications.

Key Components:

  1. Multiple Layers of Filter Media:

    • Anthracite: The top layer is usually composed of anthracite, a type of coal that has a high carbon content and is effective at removing larger particles and organic matter.
    • Sand: Below the anthracite is a layer of fine sand, which captures smaller particles.
    • Garnet: The bottom layer is often garnet, a dense mineral that traps very fine particles and provides support to the sand layer.
  2. Filter Vessel:

    • The media are contained within a pressure vessel, typically made of steel (often stainless steel, like SS316) or fiberglass, designed to withstand the pressures of the filtration process.
  3. Underdrain System:

    • Located at the bottom of the vessel, this system collects the filtered water and prevents the filter media from escaping the vessel.
  4. Control System:

    • Valves and controls manage the flow of water through the filter and initiate backwashing when necessary.

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