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Soft Water Treater

Technical Descriptions


To remove all or part of the suspended particles, microbes, colloids, dissolved gases, organic and inorganic impurities to prepare for the next desalination. The pretreatment methods vary from chlorination, coagulation and clarification, multi-medium filtration and depth filtration, which are up to the raw water quality.

  • Chlorination

To reduce the microbes in the raw water, chlorine is often added in as the biocide.  

  • Coagulation and clarification

to coagulate the suspended particles and other impurities into large particles and settle them down, poly-coagulant can be added into raw water. The coagulation is used to treat with fine suspended particles and colloids.

  • Multi-medium filtration

quartz sand of different grain diameters is used and placed from bottom to top, from large to small. Manganese sand is used to filter raw water with high Ferro-manganese ration. When raw water flows through the sand, most of the suspended particles are adsorbed, in the meantime the thin film formed on the surface of the sand increases flow resistance.

  • Depth filtration

Wound-rotor cell filter element and sintering filter element are used for the depth filtration.  They can withhold particles of diameter over 1μm, remove colloids and suspended particles, and de-iron.

  • Adsorption

Utilizing the porous solid substances, adsorption can remove one or more hazardous substances in water by adsorbing it/them on the surface of the porous solid substances. It can remove organism, colloids, microbes, free chlorine, odor, pigment, etc. the common adsorbents are active carbon and macroreticular resin.

  • Softening process

There are often 2 methods, one is transform calcium and magnesium into low-solubility salts by adding chemical agents; another one is substituting the calcium ions and magnesium ions in water with the sodium ions released by the ion exchange resin, so that the calcium salt and magnesium  salt are transformed into sodium salt.


The aim is to remove the solvent salts in water and obtain the pure and ultrapure water.

  • Reverse osmosis process

Taking the fluid pressure as its driving force, overcoming the osmosis differential pressure of the reverse osmosis membrane, the water pass through the membrane, leaving the salts behind. This process cannot only remove the charged ions in water, but also colloids, bacteria and organism.

  • Ion exchange method

It is a chemical process that the ions in water are exchanged by the ions in the solid ion exchanger. Water and ultrapure water can be obtained through it.

  • EDI

EDI is a new membrane separation technique combined by electro osmosis and ion exchange. It retains the advantage of the electro osmosis that can desalt continuously and desalt in depth by IX; and it also overcome the negative impact caused the concentration polarization of the electro osmosis and the troubles and environmental pollution caused by the regenerated acid and alkali needed by the ion exchange resin.


Some industries, such as electronic, medical and food and drink industries, are of high or special requirements on water quality. Generally, the post-treatment is needed to further desalt, sterilize and precision filter. Terminal fine mixing bed osmosis exchange method is employed in the depth desalination, uv irradiation and ozone sterilization in sterilization. Precision filtration is mainly used to remove the sub-particles and macromolecule organism brought by last process.


pure water and ultrapure water system for the electron and power generation ; Pure water and ultrapure water system for the bioscience assay; pure water and ultrapure water system for the scientific research and experiment; pure water and ultrapure water system for the chip production; pure water system for cleaning the circuit board; pure water and ultrapure water system for the high and medium pressure boiler; pure water and ultrapure water system for the chemical industry production; pure water and injection water system for the bio-tech and pharmaceuticals production. Pure water and ultrapure water system for the food and beverage production; pure water and ultrapure water system for the machining and coating production; soft water treatment system.


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